Posted on March 07 2022

Pippeta Pump Original

We are receiving many questions about the pricing of our pump with potential customers wondering whether it reflects upon the quality of the product. So we would like to address this head-on and explain the thinking behind why we at Pippeta have priced our product the way we have.

Being a mum is all kinds of wonderful but can also be hard - emotionally, physically and financially! There are countless joys but also stresses and strains which can take a toll on new parents, and we feel that the most basic of necessities – feeding – should not be one of those stresses. In a society that often makes new mums feel uncomfortable about feeding babies in public, making mums feel as though they should ‘cover up’ or even go into the toilets to feed, Pippeta believes that breast-milk-feeding should be supported and made as easy as possible. With this in mind, we feel that our pumps should not pose a financial strain.

The market is flooded with extortionately priced pumps. Being a family company ourselves we simply do not have the same overheads as larger well known brands. However, now, through
Pippeta, customers have a choice as to whether to pay such high prices or purchase our product which provides the hands-free experience promoted by the more expensive sellers, at a much more reasonable price.

Being parents ourselves, we realise how expensive bringing your gorgeous little one into the world can be without worrying about buying expensive equipment for feeding. An accessible, hands-free pump, which allows mums to enjoy extra cuddles, should not be overpriced!

However, you may wonder if a lower price reflects a lower quality? The best people to answer that question would be our customers – just read our
reviews to reassure yourself on that point. So many customers feel they are getting a better experience with Pippeta than with the higher priced products on the market.

At the end of the day, we are ‘normal’ mums just like you and our customers mean more to us than the selling of overpriced products.


Loved By Parents Award | Pippeta Pump
Loved By Parents Award | Pippeta Pump
Loved By Parents Award | Pippeta Pump
Made for mums | Pippeta Pump


Closer Magazine | Pippeta Pump
Vanity Fair | Pippeta Pump


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