Pippeta Pump | Flange Insert
We aim to meet every mum’s needs to ensure high comfort and efficiency during pumping, meaning extra cuddles with your little Pippeta. Your body is unique to you and everyone is beautiful - hence why one size doesn't fit all.
Included in the Pippeta Pump box is 3 flanges - 24mm, 21mm and 19mm.
- breast shield fit is essential, not only for comfort, but also for expressing milk.
- Available in 17mm, 19mm, 21mm and 27mm.
- Made from the softest Food grade/BPA Free silicone.
To be used on the Pippeta Pumps which come in size 24mm
Which 27mm Flange do I need?
27 Flange Sheild - Compatible with the Original & Classic Pippeta Pump
27 Compact LED Flange Sheild - Compatible with the Compact LED Pippeta Pump

Free lactation support with every pump
Breastfeeding can be tough. But you’re not alone. Our friendly lactation experts are on hand to offer free guidance, personalised support, and a sympathetic ear whenever you need it. It’s what they’re here for.
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